Monday, March 19, 2012

What to DO


1. A Yelahanka Scavenger Hunt
(with its base in the Srishti Gallery) that makes the audience run around the town, and interact with important people and places, especially odd characters - and odd visuals around the neighbourhood.

2. An art auction
Auctioning FOUND made things - not obviously art pieces - found in and around Srishti campus.

3. A curated exhibition of business cards, categorized by colour.

4. Windows
A show where random windows from around Yelahanka are titled and labeled as art pieces. The windows act as frames - or sometimes objects on display as themelves.

5. A Typo Exhibit
A massive collection of ALL the typework done by ALL the students - all collected and pasted in a haphazard collage around and ALL over the walls, ceiling and floor - of the Srishti gallery. Mandatory: visitors must take off their shoes before entering in reverence to the written word.

6. A Collection of Collections
Many of us collect things. Bus tickets, business cards, postcards, posters, badges, buttons, things we picked up on the road, instruments. This exhibition will exhibit a series of different collections, each by a different collector, double-curated to create a juxtaposition of bric-a-brac.

7. Reality TV??
Ten artists will be closed in inside the Srishti gallery space - with no outside contact - and enough provision for seven days. They are previously told that they can do whatever they want to the space inside - but only bring with them ONE tool. The seven days are filmed and broadcast live.

8. Bored Stiff Exhibition
Pick one character from each of the Bored productions and have them standing around the gallery space, with the memorabilia from the corresponding plays.

9. Abandoned plots
Find broken down houses - or plots dug up to build foundations in - from across the town and have small events, fictional stories in each of these. The gallery space will map the entire event and have photographs and timelines of the event.

10. One place one time
Do up the gallery as an interesting space, with lots of furniture - even if they're just boxes. The audience is instructed to enter the gallery and sit in any one place - and then leave. The idea is a cyclical exhibition where one enters a number of times - and each time you enter you can only sit or stand in one place where you haven't stood in before.

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