Monday, March 19, 2012


Gallery Practices: Ideas for Events/Exhibition
Madhurya Balan

1. No Thank You.
What: This event explores peoples’ strange fetishes for strange food combinations.
When: Sunday brunch or tea-time.
How: 10-15 students will be chosen to exhibit their top 5 strange recipes and also have a counter where people who are enticed can order it. The students and the recipes will be chosen based on the criteria that they are strange combinations but not inedible.
Why: Friendships can be made over common (and yes, strange) food fetishes.

2. Self-Publish, Be Happy.
What: A workshop-exhibition for people who love books, writing and illustrating.
When: Over a weekend
How: The first session of the workshop will consist of the artists and students who’ve signed up for the workshop choosing their materials and making life-size portraits and descriptions of their main characters. During the second session, they students/artists will begin their books and leave it unfinished to be completed during the actual exhibition by the audience.
Why: It explores themes of authorship, ownership, storytelling and media (and style) of this storytelling.

3. For the Love of Print!
What: A Workshop-Exhibition that explores and looks at DIY practices and techniques of Print. Ways of doing and using woodcut, linocut, stencils and street art. For the love of print, ink, paper and walls.
When: Over a few weekends
How: DIY, sourcing the materials that are required for the techniques of printing, maybe one or two facilitators for the part of the duration. Students will be given space and time to explore their own expressions in DIY print. Around 5 pieces from each student will be framed, mounted or displayed in some way for the final exhibition.
Why: Print is awesome.

4. ____pt!
What: A typography exhibition where the works are created by zooming into a chosen typeface, using the serifs, curves and lines of a character.
When: Over a couple of weeks
How: Students and artists submit their work and chosen ones are printed, framed/mounted and exhibited along with notes on the typeface and it’s characteristics in the form of a haiku.
Why: There are some hidden surprises in type.

5. Syntax: Hello World
What: A within-the-community initiative for the students of different years to get to know one another that is on a light and humorous note. This event will not take itself too seriously; although saying that, there will be no compromise on the professional manner of conducting the exhibition.
When: Every evening for an entire month.
How: Randomly, 7 students from each year will be chosen to exhibit themselves and one piece of work and two objects. The students will be considered exhibits within the space and call for interaction in the form of questions, conversations and with the objects they have chosen for themselves from the audience.
Why: Because most of students’ interactions and friendships are confined within their academic year peers. This event aims to broaden social participation within the Srishti community.

What: A new-media performance exhibition that makes the audience the performer.
When: Over a weekend
How: The gallery space will be divided into two, with a projector, speakers and camera in each half of the space. A set of 5 props is laid out on the table. The audience is invited (individually or a small group) to pick up a prop and stand in front of the camera. A random background is chosen and the audience from both spaces shares the projected screen. They are given exactly 4 and half minutes to interact with each other with dialogues and the props to create a short film.
Why: For fun. And To create a fun data base of film that is funny, strange, surrealist and absurd.

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