Monday, March 19, 2012

Lets HAVE A SHOW!!! ideas and excitement!

the most fun finish to a class in a while...we ended by giving in some gorgeous, outrageous,splendid, lovely, practical, crazy , everykindofimaginable idea for the show that is to mark the opening and the beginning of the srishti gallery...we at least think it will be that.

and we are sure it will be verily brilliant.

Here are the ideas i proposed:

1)A Retrospective look at srishti and inspiration to us as designers
Putting up work of student,alumnus,faculty and others associated with srishti.
In the case of faculty juxtaposing their work with their students - and in effect the the root of inspiration. taking that one step further - maybe displaying the inspiration as well as the work itself.

Picking a group of artists to illustrate or otherwise represent a place they have a connection to as a map, but with personal connotations included. so it becomes their own (version) map of the place.

3) An Exhibit of Maligned Typefaces
there are a group of typefaces like comic sans, papyrus etc that are considered by typographers as unusable. this exhibit will explore how this came to be and why and how each gained the lowly status accorded to them.

4) A whole in many
Large format photographs of extremely zoomed in views of one place/object that together will allow the viewer to see the whole picture. this can be set up/ installed in extremely interesting ways.

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